Wow, that is all I can say. Life is good, busy but really good. I always appreciate riding the wave when everyone is in a good grove, happy, healthy and steady. With so many of us in the family these times are sometimes spread apart.
Chris is enjoying his work. He has begun to travel a bunch and is missed very much at home. We are keeping the fort under wraps until he returns but I have to say it is quite challenging at times for me. It is funny how this all seemed so easy prior to the boat trip and now having to multitask and stay on top of schedules, taxing kids around, cooking and cleaning... not so much fun. Really missing my screen saver land and my honig right about now...
I am not sure if it is actually a difficult task for me or if it is because I need to put my energy into caring about the small stuff again, you know like cooking and cleaning... I just can't seem to get into it. Thank goodness for all of my amazing friends/neighbors for all of their support and friendship and guidance.. not to mention a glass of wine and laughter.
I always enjoy hanging out here with everyone. It is always a blessing when the people that live close to you become your best friends. It is amazing how having someone close by can give you so much comfort. You know their routines, where they shop, what their kids schedules are... this is not to be creepy but also for help shuttling kids around, grabbing a missed item at a grocery store or knowing that you are running late because you see a friend leave and you know your event is after yours. We all try to help each other by checking in to see if we can offer rides, eggs, hugs, wine, and such. We have done a few camping trips this year and of course all the birthday and neighborhood gatherings and I so appreciate the bonds that we have made and look forward to many more memories making in the future.
We (the Old Lady Lanes hood gang) on our street (some neighboring) are trying to take it back to the earlier generations when the kids could just run from house to house and play and bring friends along with them without asking for scheduled playdates... the bonus of that is when we venture out to find our kids it turns into spontaneous play dates/dinners/cocktails in the evening for the adults. So everyone is happy all around.
Don't we just love the game of Dibble..... hmmm...
We have had a wonderful halloween with our traditional Pumpkin Carving Party (started by the ever so missed Price family). The neighborhood was alive with decorations and spirit. It is always a holiday that everyone looks forward and goes by way to quickly.
Not sure we will attempt the temporary face tattoos again ... removal is no fun.
When you attend a cosmetology school.... Pressure is on for the halloween makeup. Look'in good Mykaela!
Not sure who let twisted sister in the backyard... Ouch. One of those costumes that I think is better on Alina... save it for the kids.
Pumpkin Carving Party:
Then a bit of downtime as we sured up the farm for the rainy season. I got a note on my tractor seat that they would be letting the cows in so we have been trying to find someone to install deer fencing along the back 2000 feet... it is a bit of a job but we need to get this in if we are going to plant any fruit trees, grapes and olives. The deer do love those tasty treats. We were able to finish with the roofing of the sheds so they are water tight. The only important thing left to do is to get the pipe protection on so they don't freeze and break during the winter months. It doesn't freeze that often but it does freeze so this is really important.
We were finally able to get Mabel fixed (our little car for the farm) and the kids have been having a blast. Amaia and Alina have both got their Wild Oaks Farm Driving licenses so they are ripping around for some entertainment.
The ONE thing that we (except chris) were all SUPER sad and jealous of was that Chris got to go visit our extended family the Shiners in Australia. We are all missing them so bad and I am glad that he got to go and give them our hugs but I am waiting ever so patiently (NOT) to go myself... along with all the kids of course.
For thanksgiving we headed up to Shasta for some wonderful family time. It was amazing weather... the mountain was at her glory as usual. We were able to help out at the Shasta Community Center helping to prepare the meals that they serve to the families for thanksgiving. It is a tradition that we have done for quite awhile now and the kids all look forward to it.
While we were gone Mykaela enjoyed a day of working as a model for a students final portfolio in San Francisco. She was pampered and photographed and given a glimpse in the life of a model. She loved it... now to keep her grounded, LOL,while she finishes school...
On the way home we heard a little pip out of the back seat and Lexi found out that that writing club she is so happy to be a part of put her picture and quote up on their instagram site.

Hope everyone is stress free and happy this holiday season.
Hugs and love to all.